Protection of Personal Information Policy
ZERO-SUM ITS SOLUTIONS INDIA PVT, LTD. has established the following Protection of Personal Information Policy considering importance of protecting Personal Information, and endeavors to protect Personal Information while ensuring that all employees are informed of the purport of the Protection of Personal Information Policy.
1. Name of Business Handling Personal Information
(Please refer to About us on our website for representative and registered address)
2. The Definition of Personal Information
“Personal Information” in this Policy means the information relating to a living individual that is set forth in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information in Japan and refers to all information that can identify a specific individual through the name, birthdate, or any other matters recorded therein and all information that contains an individual identification code.
3. The Definition of Sensitive Personal Information
“Sensitive Personal Information” in this Policy means Personal Information as to an identifiable person’s race, creed, social status, medical history, criminal record, the fact of having suffered damage by a crime, or other identifiers or their equivalent prescribed by Cabinet Order as those of requiring special care so as not to cause unjust discrimination, prejudice or other disadvantages to that person.
4. Compliance with the Law
When handling Personal Information, we comply with this Policy and matters set forth in guidelines announced by the Personal Information Protection Commission and government agencies pertaining to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations in Japan (hereinafter referred to as the “the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws”) on the protection of Personal Information.
5. Acquiring of Personal Information
When acquiring Personal Information, we notify you in advance of the purpose of use and acquire Personal Information to the scope necessary by proper and fair means.
6. Acquiring of Sensitive Personal Information
Except as provided in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws, we acquire Sensitive Personal Information with the prior consent of identifiable person.
7. Use of Personal Information
We use acquired Personal Information within the following scope of purposes on which consent has been obtained upon prior notice, not for purposes other than the mentioned below.
Information on customers and business partners
Procuring raw materials associated with business activities; Developing, manufacturing, selling and implementing post-sale service for products and services; Providing information from us and responding to inquiries from customers on each of the above operations; Credit decisions and post-credit management for the sale of products and services; Performing other related operations; and Sending direct mail.
Information on shareholders, employees and job applicants
Sending of informative matters and documents as stipulated in the Companies Act and other laws and regulations; Procedures such as bidding for or applying for subsidies from the national government, local governments, or other public organizations; Human resources of employees, labor management including welfare and other operations required for tax processing; and Notification of recruitment schedule and results.
8. Security Control Measures for Personal Information
We endeavor to maintain Personal Information accuracy and take security control measures to prevent the leaks, loss or damage of Personal Information. In addition, we exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over our employees and contractors who handle Personal Information to ensure the security of such information.
9. Providing Personal Information to third parties
We do not provide or disclose acquired Personal Information to any third party without prior consent of identifiable person, except as provided in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws.
We do not provide or disclose Personal Information to third parties in Foreign Countries without first presenting the information required to be provided and obtaining consent of identifiable person, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws.
10. Joint use of Personal Information of employees, customers, and business partners
We and our subsidiary companies may jointly use Personal Information of employees, customers, and business partners obtained by each of the companies within our group.
Personal Information of joint use:
- Name, gender, date of birth, contact information (address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.), employee identification number or other individually assigned identification number, department, designation, employment history and department change history of employees, and other employee attributes (but not including specified Personal Information defined by the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures in Japan).
- Information related to human resources, labor management, and tax processing of employees.
- Information of employees in the information tools used by our group.
- Name, gender, date of birth, contact information (address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.), department, and designation, etc. of customers and business partners.
Scope of joint use:
We and our group companies that share this policy.
Purpose of joint use:
Execution of corporate management operations as our group
Execution of sales activities as our group
Person responsible for the management of Personal Information:
(Please refer to the Company OVERVIEW on our website for representative and registered address)
11. Request for disclosure of Personal Information etc
If we receive a request from identifiable person for the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, cessation of use, deletion of personal data, cessation of provision to third parties, concerning Personal Information we retain, we will confirm the identification of the individual and respond promptly, unless a valid reason exists for being unable to fulfill the request exists. In addition, any question, opinion or complaint is received from the identifiable person regarding Personal Information, we endeavor to address such matter in good faith upon investigation of the facts.
12. Review of the Policy
When this policy is revised, we promptly announce it on our website.
13. Contact regarding Personal Information
Please use the contact form on our website for any questions or feedback regarding Personal Information, requests from identifiable person for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, cessation of use, deletion of personal data, cessation of provision to third parties, and disclosure of records of provision to third parties. We welcome any other inquiries concerning Personal Information we retain.
Release date: 10th Jan,2025